This is a podcast made entirely out of love for history. I truly believe that we need to understand history in order to understand ourselves and our societies, so I aim to give an in-depth understanding of some of the people, ideas and events that has shaped the world we live in today. Human experience is full of color and drama and we will try to bring that back to life both for your amusement and enlightenment.

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I am a mostly self thought and read history buff with a long background in journalism. I have a passion for understanding and communicating how the past has gotten us to where we are today. History does not repeat itself, but it teaches us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world we live in. Hopefully you will find both entertainment and new knowledge from listening to my podcast. This is a hobby project and I have no immediate plans to try to monetize this - this is a project that is entirely fueled by you people listening and the feedback you give. So if you like it I hugely appreciate it if you share it with your friends. Feel free to get in touch on social media or email, I am always happy to discuss and answer if you have questions about the content. I also have a separate section with most of the source material for every episode
Francis Lundh