The Traitor: Part One


What makes a highly decorated military captain renowned for humanitarian work betray his country to the Nazis? Vidkun Quisling’s last name has become a part of the vocabulary in numerous languages as a synonym of treason, and the story behind it is simply mind blowing. In this first series we will dive straight into the rise of nationalism in Europe using the Norwegian “führer” of the second world war as our lens as we zoom in trying to understand the political chaos that emerged after world war I. During this first episode we will see the rise of Quisling the start of the journey that will lead to his friendship with Adolf Hitler and try to get an understanding how a seemingly intelligent and well read person can end up as a puppet and wholehearted supporter of the gruesome Third Reich. What goes on in the mind of a person like that? That is what we will find out.


The Traitor: Part Two